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Motivational Study Quotes

May these quotes about Study inspire and motivate you.

The nature of life is to be
a study of contrasts: joy/sadness, full/empty.
The Main Thing is to Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing.
- Stephen Covey

Related topics: Wisdom

To acquire knowledge, one must study;
but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
- Marilyn vos Savant

When you are offended at any man's fault,
turn to yourself and study your own failings.
Then you will forget your anger.
- Epictetus

Study the past, if you would divine the future.
- Confucius

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Thank you for joining me on this journey we call life,
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty
and frightened. Don't open the door to the study
and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
- Rumi (Persian poet 1207-1273)

The time-traveling is just too dangerous.
Better that I devote myself to study
the other great mystery of the universe - women!
- the movie Back to the Future II

Study nature, love nature,
stay close to nature. It will never fail you.
- Frank Lloyd Wright


Study history, study history.
In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.
- Winston Churchill

We do not need to proselytize
either by our speech or by our writing.
We can only do so really with our lives.
Let our lives be open books for all to study.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

Borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources,
taking the best from every study,
Science of Mind brings together
the highest enlightenment of the ages.
- Ernest Holmes

Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past
have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable.
- George S. Patton

It is too late to be studying Hebrew;
it is more important to understand
even the slang of to-day.
- Henry David Thoreau

As every divided kingdom falls,
so every mind divided between
many studies confounds and saps itself.
- Leonardo da Vinci

If someone had told me I would be Pope one day,
I would have studied harder.
- Pope John Paul I

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
- Buddhist Proverb

Time to Die:
A Zen teacher had a rare and priceless teacup.
One day, his precocious student accidentally broke the cup.
Hearing the footsteps of his teacher,
the student held the pieces of the cup behind his back.
When the master appeared, he asked: "Why do people have to die?"
"This is natural," explained the teacher.
"Everything has to die and has just so long to live."
The student showed the shattered cup, saying,
"It was time for your cup to die."
- Traditional Zen Koan

We never see what we are not ready to see.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

The man who goes alone can start today;
but he who travels with another
must wait till that other is ready.
- Henry David Thoreau

When I am getting ready to reason with a man,
I spend one-third of my time thinking about myself
and what I am going to say
and two-thirds about him and what he is going to say.
- Abraham Lincoln

If we will be quiet and ready enough,
we shall find compensation in every disappointment.
- Henry David Thoreau

It's one of life's great paradoxes ...
Accepting with gratitude whatever life throws at us
is critical to happiness.
Yet without a goal and commitment, life lose much of its value.
The best we can do in the face of this paradox
is to play to win, but be cheerful in defeat
and ready to play again.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready
for his opportunity when it comes.
- Benjamin Disraeli

When life is too easy for us, we must beware
or we may not be ready to meet the blows
which sooner or later come to everyone, rich or poor.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

We must be ready to learn from one another,
not claiming that we alone possess all truth
and that somehow we have a corner on God.
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Marriage is a fine institution -
but I'm not ready for an institution yet.
- Mae West

Personally, I'm always ready to learn,
although I do not always like being taught.
- Winston Churchill

Happiness is not something ready made.
It comes from your own actions.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

I am ready and willing to seize the opportunities life offers.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I have ready access to a power beyond my wildest imagination.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I am always ready to learn
although I do not always like being taught.
- Winston Churchill

We are always getting ready to live but never living.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Except in cases of necessity, which are rare,
leave your friend to learn
unpleasant things from his enemies;
they are ready enough to tell them.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Everyone has an opinion on many subjects
and is ready to share those opinions -
labeling them as "truth."
Sometimes it is relatively easy
to filter out these opinions.
Upon hearing an ad for the latest
weight-loss powder on late-night TV,
our skepticism leaps to our defense.
However, if we have heard the same opinion for years
from our parents, friends,
government officials, or religious leaders,
we are more likely to believe without questioning
than to raise our filter of skepticism
and ask the hard questions.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Some years ago I became president of Columbia University
and learned within 24 hours to be ready
to speak at the drop of a hat,
and I learned something more, the trustees were expected
to be ready to speak at the passing of the hat.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

There is also something excellent in every audience,
the capacity of virtue.
They are ready to be beatified.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.
- Billy Graham

Do not anticipate trouble,
or worry about what may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight.
- Benjamin Franklin

Never ascribe to malice that which is
adequately explained by incompetence.
- Napoleon

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Thomas Jefferson
(also attributed to Benjamin Franklin and Lord Chesterfield)

The years teach much which the days never know.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The false can never grow into truth by growing in power.
- Rabindranath Tagore

A mind that is stretched by a new experience
an never go back to its old dimensions.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever,
even if your whole world seems upset.
- Saint Francis de Sales

There is so much we can never know.
Breathe deeply and relax into the not-knowing.
There is much that we do not have to know
in order to live joyfully.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

One can never consent to creep when one feels the impulse to soar.
- Helen Keller

How much pain they have cost us,
the evils which have never happened.
- Thomas Jefferson

We never repent of having eaten too little.
- Thomas Jefferson

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.
- Confucius

You can never solve a problem on the level
on which it was created.
- Albert Einstein

You will never find time for anything.
If you want time you must make it.
- Charles Buxton

The part can never be well unless the whole is well.
- Plato

Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're gonna get.
- the movie Forrest Gump

Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly.
It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.
- Henry Ford

You are never too old to set another goal
or to dream a new dream.
- C. S. Lewis

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.
- Benjamin Franklin

Never do things others can do and will do
if there are things others cannot do or will not do.
- Amelia Earhart

Money has never made man happy, nor will it,
there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness.
The more of it one has the more one wants.
- Benjamin Franklin

Pleasure disappoints, possibility never
- Soren Kierkegaard

A good question is never answered.
It is not a bolt to be tightened into place
but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed
toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea.
- John Ciardi

Never Let Anyone Get Your Goat,
Push Your Buttons,
Get You Riled Up,
or Annoy You.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Better late than never.
- Proverb

Sing like no one's listening,
love like you've never been hurt,
dance like nobody's watching,
and live like its heaven on earth.
- Mark Twain

My life has been filled with terrible misfortune;
most of which never happened.
- Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

We can never be the better for our religion
if our neighbor is the worse for it.
- Anonymous

Unless you try to do something
beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

May you never forget what is worth remembering,
or remember what is best forgotten.
- Anonymous

There are two kinds of failures:
those who thought and never did,
and those who did and never thought.
- Laurence J. Peter

Work Hard. Do your best. Keep your word.
Never get too big for your britches.
Trust in God. Have no fear;
and Never forget a friend.
- Harry S. Truman

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm,
you'll never enjoy the sunshine.
- Morris West

You may be always victorious if
you will never enter into any contest
where the issue does not wholly depend upon yourself.
- Epictetus

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For, indeed, that's all who ever have.
- Margaret Mead

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May the world be kind to you, and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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